Monday, January 24, 2011

Fitness Guru Jack LeLanne finished his amazing life

Fitness guru and American Icon, Jack LaLanne has passed away.  When considering the maturation of the fitness industry it is impossible not to mention Jack LaLanne.  Not only for what he has meant to the world of fitness as a business, but also Jack LaLanne the man and what he accomplished personally.  He proved that the number of days and years a person lives is merely a number that tracks such things and by no means is a definition of that person.  In an article about him in the Daily News today, he was quoted saying, "Exercise is King, nutrition is Queen, put them together you've got a kingdom." Jack LaLanne was a man ahead of his time, and in ways he was even ahead of the time we find ourselves in now.  With all the information out there pertaining to health and fitness and exercise we still have only delved only a few feet into a pool of knowledge that spans to depths of which we have no way of knowing how deep it goes.   I think, Jack LaLannes’ mantra in life was, whatever the mind can conceive it can achieve, and can serves as a road map to anyone interested in living a happy, healthy and fruitful life.   Here is a man that maintained an amazing physique and health level well into his eighties this proving a point he made in that, "the only way you can hurt the body is to not use it."  Thank you Jack for your dedication, guidance and passion for life and the example it awarded us.  Jack LeLanne has passed away, but not before he LIVED 96 years.

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