Well its Monday again, how is your week going to go? Are you going to have a great week, a so-so week or a flat out bad one? Well, the answer to that question is being formulated as you read this post. No matter what your current mood or outlook may be right now, its going to dictate how the rest of the week MAY GO...here is a little secret...YOU HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE IT! You want to have a good week, try this...take 5 minutes close your eyes and visualize how you want this week to play out. Now, imagining you hit the lotto and had the lover of your dreams come into your life might be a stretch especially if this is going to be your first crack at visualization. Start smaller and be specific, think more along the lines of how you personally want to feel throughout the week, and then from there, work backwards. Think what would happen to evoke that feeling. It may be that you finally clean that one room in your house, maybe organize your office, or finish a task thats been hanging on you. Hey it may even be that you decide its time to get back in shape (if thats you contact us). We know this may sounds crazy to some, and if thats your, we say ask you this...what do you have to lose? Do it, and then comment and let us know how it went. We always welcome feedback.
Health tip: GET OUTSIDE! Listen, we know its cold, but spending even 5 minutes outside will pay huge dividends in your mental and in turn physical health. Even if all you can do is take a walk around the block on a quick break from work, do it and while you do, don't be thinking about work or what you have to get done that day...leave the "TO DO" list in the office.
Diet Tip: Oatmeal! Oatmeal is a great way to start your day, load it up with fruits and nuts and your off to a great start to have a healthy-diet-day! For more info on this and why, contact us.
Have a great day and week everyone.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain.
Author Unknown
Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news: The news is that you don't know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish!
Anne Frank

An excuse is worse and more terrible than a lie, for an excuse is a lie guarded.
Pope John Paul I
Health tip: Its Saturday allow yourself to unwind whatever that may mean for you. Everything is about balance, so if your work hard all week, and train hard, you should allow yourself some down time. (in moderation)
Diet tip: Just like the health tip, allow yourself 1 cheat meal over the weekend and then get back at your diets!
Author Unknown
Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news: The news is that you don't know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish!
Anne Frank
Hello everyone, especially our AM BOOTCAMP WOMAN! Great job this morning girls, glad to see you're all making such an effort! It's only going to keep getting better! By the time spring time rolls in and all this snow finally melts away and the layers go with it, your going to be happy with your results. To those of you that weren't here this am...BE HERE NEXT SATURDAY or maybe even come one night this week. Monday or Wednesday 8pm. BE ABOUT IT!
An excuse is worse and more terrible than a lie, for an excuse is a lie guarded.
Pope John Paul I
Health tip: Its Saturday allow yourself to unwind whatever that may mean for you. Everything is about balance, so if your work hard all week, and train hard, you should allow yourself some down time. (in moderation)
Diet tip: Just like the health tip, allow yourself 1 cheat meal over the weekend and then get back at your diets!
Friday, January 28, 2011
FRIDAY, Whose favorite day is FRIDAY?
"The greater danger
for most of us
is not that our aim is
too high
and we miss it,
but that its
too low
and we reach it."
Hello one and all and welcome to your Friday jump start brought to you by XTREME TRAINING. Its been a full week almost, just a few hours till that closing bell which does not sound of the closing of the work week for most, but rather the bell that kicks off our weekends! How will you approach your weekend? Will you be dancing around the ring like Apollo Creed dancing around and jabbing your way or will you be Rocky charging and attaching with furry?
Regardless of how you feel about the weekend, and if you're Apollo or Rocky take a few moments maybe tomorrow when your having your morning paper, and hopefully enjoying your Saturday take a look back over this week, if there are aspects that didn't go the way you would have liked, play them out they way you would have rather them gone and once you do, let them go. Did you have something you wanted to do, but didn't? Well, guess what, do it today (tomorrow)! The joy you will feel from accomplishing it is far better than the stress you will have over belaboring over whether or not to do it...
Health Tip: do something active tomorrow to start your day and weekend off on the right foot.
Diet Tip: snack! Healthy snacks throughout the day especially fruits and veggies! (not a groundbreaking tip, but one you can not hear enough!)
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
A few inspirational quotes for a snowy Wednesday
"Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal." Unknown
"I know it seems hard sometimes, but remember one thing, through every dark night, there's a bright day after that. So no matter how hard it gets, keep your chest out, keep your head up and handle it."....Inspirational Quotes by Tupac
"Start writing a new chapter, for if you live by the book you'll never make history."....Inspirational Quotes by (Ben Sobel)
"Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart."....Inspirational Quotes by (Confucius)
There is an inner voice in all of us. Some hear it but don't act. Others hear it and begin the process of bringing it to reality, then there are those that ignore it completely.
Those that hear but don't act, tend to put whatever it is up on a pedestal as an ideal..."how great would it be to live by the beach, own my own business, date that person, how great it would be do be a painter, singer, writer" and then look to it as a distraction from their current life. Its safer to look to it than to DO IT, and there in lies the issue...what does it become? A REGRET, a WHAT IF...what does that then do? Add to our stress, and make our life look bleak in comparison.
Then there are those who ignore it entirely. Is ignorance really bliss? Well, if it is, it's a bliss measured by a different scale because there is no comparing the bliss one feels from the act of doing what they love. Its important to understand, its not the results that occur from action, but the action that is the reward! Those that hear their inner voice and act will have a fruitful life. Even if they fail, and suffer great heartache from not reaching their goals, they will be happier than those that simply think it impossible and never try!
Think of this the next time you are hit with a thought that just "feels" true. Something that you just know is what you want...what group with you fall in then? DOER? DREAMER?
"I know it seems hard sometimes, but remember one thing, through every dark night, there's a bright day after that. So no matter how hard it gets, keep your chest out, keep your head up and handle it."....Inspirational Quotes by Tupac
"Start writing a new chapter, for if you live by the book you'll never make history."....Inspirational Quotes by (Ben Sobel)
"Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart."....Inspirational Quotes by (Confucius)
There is an inner voice in all of us. Some hear it but don't act. Others hear it and begin the process of bringing it to reality, then there are those that ignore it completely.
Those that hear but don't act, tend to put whatever it is up on a pedestal as an ideal..."how great would it be to live by the beach, own my own business, date that person, how great it would be do be a painter, singer, writer" and then look to it as a distraction from their current life. Its safer to look to it than to DO IT, and there in lies the issue...what does it become? A REGRET, a WHAT IF...what does that then do? Add to our stress, and make our life look bleak in comparison.
Then there are those who ignore it entirely. Is ignorance really bliss? Well, if it is, it's a bliss measured by a different scale because there is no comparing the bliss one feels from the act of doing what they love. Its important to understand, its not the results that occur from action, but the action that is the reward! Those that hear their inner voice and act will have a fruitful life. Even if they fail, and suffer great heartache from not reaching their goals, they will be happier than those that simply think it impossible and never try!
Think of this the next time you are hit with a thought that just "feels" true. Something that you just know is what you want...what group with you fall in then? DOER? DREAMER?
Monday, January 24, 2011
Fitness Guru Jack LeLanne finished his amazing life

Fitness guru and American Icon, Jack LaLanne has passed away. When considering the maturation of the fitness industry it is impossible not to mention Jack LaLanne. Not only for what he has meant to the world of fitness as a business, but also Jack LaLanne the man and what he accomplished personally. He proved that the number of days and years a person lives is merely a number that tracks such things and by no means is a definition of that person. In an article about him in the Daily News today, he was quoted saying, "Exercise is King, nutrition is Queen, put them together you've got a kingdom." Jack LaLanne was a man ahead of his time, and in ways he was even ahead of the time we find ourselves in now. With all the information out there pertaining to health and fitness and exercise we still have only delved only a few feet into a pool of knowledge that spans to depths of which we have no way of knowing how deep it goes. I think, Jack LaLannes’ mantra in life was, whatever the mind can conceive it can achieve, and can serves as a road map to anyone interested in living a happy, healthy and fruitful life. Here is a man that maintained an amazing physique and health level well into his eighties this proving a point he made in that, "the only way you can hurt the body is to not use it." Thank you Jack for your dedication, guidance and passion for life and the example it awarded us. Jack LeLanne has passed away, but not before he LIVED 96 years.
Friday, January 21, 2011
If your not like most, you work for the weekend...now the question is...do you train on the weekend? Once you get into the swing of exercising as part of your life, you will look forward to it..live by the motto work hard play harder! Training can combine both! TRAINING SHOULD BE WORK BUT WORK AT PLAY!
If that doesn't make sense to you, come on in and check us out...
If that doesn't make sense to you, come on in and check us out...
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Monday, January 17, 2011
Xtreme Team invades Bigger Faster Stronger Certification Workshop
That's right ladies and gentleman, the Xtreme Team is now BFS Certified! Its just another step along our way of delivering you a top-notch incomparable product and experience when you train with us at XTREME TRAINING. Not only do we specialize in all aspects of traditional personal training, but have gotten it off the map and out of the box and taken it to another level...you want to know what we at XTREME TRAINING are all about, stop in sometime! At any given time, one of our trainers or a group of them are working out and training themselves! This will give you an idea of what we do! We develop workouts and then try them out and put ourselves through the wringer to make sure we are always giving you a kick-ass workout...but dont worry, the flip side to our putting ourselves through it first, we know how hard it is and how hard to push our clients to allow them to get a great workout but not push them too hard either. Training should be fun and something you look forward to and draw on when life gets hard, not something you dread and endure...Train with us once, and you will never be the same and never leave!
We're HERE!!!!
Hello one and all, this is the inaugural post of XTREME TRAINING. We will be updating this throughout the week and into next week and hope to have it fully operational by this time next week, so stay tuned!
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